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My Lawyer is Amy G!
Colorado Injury Firm

Denver Family Lawyer

Family law covers all types of familial relationships, as well as virtually all types of intra-family conflicts. While having family problems is not a unique situation, these cases are often the most complicated legal matters that the average person deals with during their lifetime.

Your family deserves to have a skilled and experienced family attorney assisting them throughout the family law process. If you are dealing with an issue concerning divorce, separation, or the care of your children, contact a Denver family lawyer today. En Español.

Handling Marriage and Separation

Some of the most common cases that a family lawyer in Denver handles are divorces. In Colorado, parties to a divorce are not required to prove that the other person was at fault for the demise of the marriage.

Instead, family law attorneys in Denver could help parties substantiate their claims for property division, child custody, spousal maintenance, and more. The laws governing the dissolution of marriage can be found in Colorado Revised Statutes §14-10-106, et seq.

Child-Related Issues

For most parents, the main concern in a family law case is the care and welfare of their children. In Colorado, the state has replaced references to child custody with “allocation of parental responsibility.”

The court in a family law case may decide which person is the primary residential parent and which person has parenting time or visitation. The judge could also determine which parents can make decisions on their child’s behalf.

Establishing Parental Rights

Another area of family law revolves around adoption and the termination of parental rights. A Denver family lawyer could petition the court to terminate a parent’s rights so that another person could adopt their child.

A dedicated lawyer could also facilitate the adoption process and minimize interruptions or delays. Finally, parents could use legal counsel to stop an adoption and ensure that they retain their rights and responsibilities over their child.

Financial Support in Denver

Family lawyers can be invaluable in helping parties receive financial payments from their former partner. Colorado’s spousal support laws are generous and allow most parties who earn a combined total of less than $75,000 per year to petition the court for maintenance payments.

In addition to spousal support, family attorneys are also useful to help parents sort through the complex regulations that govern child support payments. Some of the calculations that may go into the award of child support include the financial resources of each parent, the child’s physical and emotional needs, and the standard of living the children would have enjoyed had their parents remained together.

Division of Property During Divorce

One of the more challenging areas of family law is the separation and division of marital property during a divorce. Colorado law follows the equitable distribution of property model, which means that the parties should receive a fair amount of their joint property rather than an equal share of the marital estate. Family lawyers in Denver often spend a significant amount of their time creating and negotiating a property settlement agreement that meets the approval of both parties and the judge.

Schedule a Case Review with a Denver Family Attorney

People who need a family law attorney are often facing difficult and stressful situations. Consulting with a family attorney could help clarify the issues and problems that you are facing and would safeguard your rights during your domestic relations case. If you are planning to get divorced or need help with a child custody matter, schedule an appointment today with a Denver family lawyer. The Amy G Injury Firm co-counsels family law matters.

Client Review

Title: 5-Star Treatment

By: Vicki C.

These people are absolutely great. When all other firms would not even consult with me... they took me on with no problem. Go to them large or small -- they treat you the same.

Rating: ★★★★★ 5 / 5 stars
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